The above photo was taken at the Old Town, Shanghai. Both of us are teenage friends and we know each other since we were 11 years old. We went to the same primary and secondary school.
I chose this ancient shop because it is very meaningful to me. The mandarin character means "tea shop for famous people". It reminded me that tea was considered as luxury item in the past, only the rich and famous people are able to access to it.
Thereafter, it has been planted and produce in mass scale that allowed all walks of people to have access to it. So, thanks to those who have initiated such a noble idea to spread tea to more people. Similarly, this concept was later applied in automobile by Mr Ford, who had brought down the price of the car so more people can afford to own it. This noble idea and action bring better life to more people. As such, we should do the same for the next generations of people the same way we have been benefited from this planet.
Trust this inspire you and look forward to hearing from you,
James Oh
I agree with you, James. Especially that stuffs like those are better enjoyed when shared with somebody else and others. Spread the love. :)
Thanks for your wise thought, Sashindoubutsu. There is no life if you don't share with somebody else.
Keep on spreading the love so as to keep peace and harmony for the world.
Wish you have a day abundantly of everything...
this is so nice. i love the shop. its beautiful
Tina, I do agree with you. Thanks that they are going to preserve this shop and it looks like they are going to upgrade this building.
Wish you have a great day,
Hello James, I was tagged to post about 6 things that make me happy and I tagged you to do the same.
Looking forward to see what makes you happy!^^
I'm giving you the same wish of abundance, especially happiness.
Hello Sashindoubutsu,
it was very kind thought of you to post 6 things that make me happy. Big thanks and hugs.
Looking forward to hear from you what really 6 things that can make you happy from the tea or its related matter.
I'm too wish you abundance of everything.
That's Alex Lee if I'm not mistaken. Saying hi to both, "great men thinks alike" - tea for two?
You are absolute right. He is Alex Lee. I told him about you during our stay in China. See when we can meet up for a drink?
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